Our Programs
Youth Access & Support Service
Youth Access & Support Service (YASS)
YASS provides practical support that is free and confidential for young people aged 12- 21 yrs who identify as needing support with:
- Family relationships or connecting with community/support networks.
- School, education, training/employment.
- Being at risk of harm or homelessness.
Youth Support and Advocacy Workers keep things casual and meet with young people in places where they feel safe. We provide information and advice to young people so they can make informed decisions and be involved in decisions that affect their lives.
Funded by the Queensland State Government.
We would like to acknowledge the additional support from the The James Frizelle Foundation to meet demand for our services and in supporting young people and their families on the Gold Coast.
Download Our Flyers
If you are a Service Provider or Case Manager, please complete the follow referral.
If you are a young person, parent, guardian, or carer, please contact the GCYS Office on (07) 5572 0400
How Have We Helped?

Visit Us In Miami
please call before visiting.
Our Vision, Mission & Values
Our Vision
A Gold Coast city where young people are hopeful about their future valued and supported to realise their full potential.
Our Mission
To be a leading non-profit organisation that supports homeless and disadvantaged young people on the Gold Coast, making long lasting and positive changes through:
- Information and support
- housing and tenancy support
- emergency assistance
Our Values
Social justice is about young people receiving a ‘fair go’ at the opportunities in life. It is about recognising that we are all different and respecting the inclusion and tolerance of all.
The aim of the Gold Coast Youth Service is that young people’s rights are recognised, and that they are consulted in appropriate and meaningful ways and have the opportunity to participate in decision-making that affects their lives.