Our Programs
Care Coordination
Care Coordination
As an early intervention strategy Care Coordination is beneficial for young people who are showing signs of early disconnection, who are vulnerable, or have disengaged from education, family, or services. The young person may be at risk of offending or homelessness.
Care Coordination provides an opportunity to support young people and families with navigating agency referral and involvement with services.
Care Coordination is not case management, rather it seeks to link young people and families with appropriate and purposeful supports. Based on the prioritised needs of the family and identified gaps, various agencies may be involved through the coordinated process.
What can Care Coordination do?
Care Coordination can provide support for the young person with:
- linking with prosocial or recreational activities,
- referrals to agencies,
- advocacy,
- Care Coordination Plans where a number of needs are identified and a multi-agency approach is required.
What is a Care Coordination Plan?
A Care Coordination Plan may be required when there are a number of areas or needs that the young person or family would like support with. The process of Care Coordination will progress at a pace that is suitable for the young person and family.
This may include more than one action meeting with appropriately identified agencies to discuss needs and priorities, and establish actions to address the identified needs. Actions may be things that the young person, family or agencies agree to do. Actions will be reviewed and a further meeting with agencies and the family may be held to address additional needs.
Care Coordination will work collaboratively with agencies to support responses that connect, leverage and strengthen services, programs and networks.
Care Coordination will ensure that all support is culturally safe for all our young people and families, particularly our First Nations young people and families.
Care Coordination closes when the family chooses, when they have addressed their needs, are actively engaging in case management by a lead agency, or in the instance of ongoing complex needs are referred to a specialist panel for ongoing support.
Who can receive the support?
Agencies may refer to Care Coordination or families and young people may choose to self-refer. To be referred to Care Coordination the following criteria for the young person should be met:
- 10 – 17 years of age
- Reside in the Gold Coast
- Not be subject to a statutory order with Youth Justice or Child Safety
- Show signs of disconnection from services
- Young people must be willing to receive the support from Care Coordination
- If the young person is under 16 years of age the family/carer must provide consent
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Our Vision, Mission & Values
Our Vision
A Gold Coast city where young people are hopeful about their future valued and supported to realise their full potential.
Our Mission
To be a leading non-profit organisation that supports homeless and disadvantaged young people on the Gold Coast, making long lasting and positive changes through:
- Information and support
- housing and tenancy support
- emergency assistance
Our Values
Social justice is about young people receiving a ‘fair go’ at the opportunities in life. It is about recognising that we are all different and respecting the inclusion and tolerance of all.
The aim of the Gold Coast Youth Service is that young people’s rights are recognised, and that they are consulted in appropriate and meaningful ways and have the opportunity to participate in decision-making that affects their lives.