Our Programs
Youth Foyers

General information
The Gold Coast Youth Foyer is an evidence-based supported accommodation program situated in the heart of Southport. The Gold Coast Youth Foyer provides forty, one-bedroom apartments, all of which are fully furnished for eligible participants for up to 24 months.
Using the “Advantage Thinking” approach, the Gold Coast Youth Foyer aims to tap into the goals and ambitions of young people aged 16 to 25 who are at risk or experiencing homelessness or disadvantage to achieve the foyer aims of:
- Reduce the number of young people cycling through the housing & homelessness systems.
- Increase the number of young people completing education qualifications.
- Increase the number of young people productively employed
- 16-25 years of age
- Homeless, at risk of homelessness, or experiencing disadvantage.
- Have an approved DCHDE housing application number.
- Have the capacity for self-care and self-management.
- Capacity and motivation to maintain engagement with Employment, Education or Training on a full-time basis, dependent on circumstances.
- LOW support needs and HIGH independent living skills
- Couples
- Active, problematic drug use/ history of problematic drug use with no intention of abstinence.
- Unmanaged, significant mental health condition.
- History of using violence to solve problems, anti-social behaviour, and aggression.
- Low engagement or a lack of history of engagement with education, employment, and training.
- Unable to live independently (e.g., in need of constant supervision, staff intervention or living skills too low).
- Close connections (partner, family, friends) that are likely to put others in Foyer at risk
and without the ability/strategies to set boundaries. - Unable to cope with large-scale and high-density living environments for any reason.
- Young People transitioning from care must be involved in the Next Step Plus Program (NSP) & must have a current Transition to Independence Plan.
- All Foyer-related enquiries from the Department of Child, Youth Justice, and Multicultural
Affairs (CYJMA) are to be directed to NSP. - The NSP worker will work closely with young people and their Child Safety Officers who are aspiring to be a part of the Foyer.
- NSP is the GC Foyers’ first step in the intake process due to their knowledge and established relationships with both the young people and the Foyer.
- Details on the Next Step After Care Program can be found on the GCYS website Gold Coast Youth Service (GCYS)
- Please note, Y/P cannot transition into the Foyer until their CPO (Child Protection Order) has ended or is close to ending.
The Gold Coast Foyer does not hold waiting lists. Instead, we facilitate regular youth information sessions.
The below steps are indicative of our intake process:
There are several things services can do to prepare young people for living in a Foyer or applying for the Foyer:
- Assist young people to explore options for employment and training. Get young people access to some good career development services.
- Be clear about the expectations of living in the Foyer, don’t sugarcoat the experience.
- Enable young people to engage with Foyer independently as much as possible. Make sure their engagement is on their terms.
- Integrate elements of the ‘Foyer Deal’ into case planning you are doing together.
- Assist young people to develop routines and stabilise barriers.
To live at the Foyer, participants are asked to sign up for the Foyer Deal. This requires them to:
- Be able to self-care, self-manage and live independently.
- Be motivated to maintain engagement with Employment, Education or Training at a full-time capacity, depending on their circumstances.
- Actively engage in case management on a regular basis.
- Be willing to connect with support programs to further develop “adulting” skills and work towards financial independence, through regular employment.
- Be able to meet the obligations of a lease (pay rent, maintain property standards, be a good neighbour, etc.).
- Be able to follow a few house rules, designed to maintain a positive, aspirational community.
The Youth Foyer runs regular youth information sessions.
Due to limited spots please contact the foyer directly to express your interest:
By phone on 07 5649 5940; or
Email us @ gcyouthfoyer@gcys.org.au
Readiness Form
The Gold Coast Youth Foyer currently has no vacancies.
For future referrals refer to our General Info and Eligibility Flyer.
To speak to a member of the Foyer team, call (07) 5649 5940.