Firstly, a warm welcome to Maria Leebeek. This is Maria’s fi rst Annual General Meeting in her new role as CEO. She commenced with Gold Coast Youth Service in November 2019 and brought with her knowledge and expertise regarding working with young people and delegation within the community and organisations on the Gold Coast. Maria has been working closely with the Board around governance matters. I would like to thank my fellow Board members, including our newest general member, Jillian Moon, for the roles they have played in guiding the organisation and in assisting in the transition from Lesley to Maria.
It has been a very stressful and busy time – the biggest issue being, of course, Covid-19. This challenging period was successfully managed by the service implementing a “Covid-19 Service Response Business Continuity Plan” which allowed for greater flexibility and less disruption to clients and staff alike. The service complied with ongoing coronavirus updates issued by Gold Coast Health, including meticulous, ongoing cleaning of the premises and motor vehicles. Maria and staff have been marvelous in that they managed to “keep the doors open”.
On behalf of our Management Committee, I would like to thank the many volunteers, individuals and organisations who have assisted us over this period. To the Management Committee, Matthew Clayworth (Treasurer), Erica Begelhole (Secretary) and Jillian Moon (General Member), thank you for being on board during these difficult times. Congratulations
and thank you all on a wonderful effort!
The service once again received certifi cation by the Human Services Quality Framework. HSQF is a quality assurance framework which promotes continuous quality improvement when delivering services to our community. A big thank you to Sally Miller for her input to our Policies and Procedures. What a great effort!
Visit Us In Miami
please call before visiting.
We are open Monday to Friday (exclusive of public holidays) from 9am to 5pm. Young people are welcome to access our free facilities from 9am to 3pm. Please check in on arrival to access our bathroom, kitchen, laundry, computer & clothing services.

Maria Leebeek
Chief Executive Officer

Matthew Clayworth
Management Committee

Janette Green
Management Committee

Erica Begelhole
Management Committee

Jill Moon
Management Committee

Liz Fritz
Management Committee
Thanks to our funding bodies who continued support our service:
- Queensland Department of Housing & Public Works;
- Queensland Department of Child Safety, Youth & Women;
- Queensland Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors;
- Commonwealth Department of Social Services;
Many thanks also to our sponsors, donors and generous community members.
Our commitment to improving the lives of young people on the Gold Coast was made possible by the dedicated and caring management and staff and by offering programs catering for so many young people.
On behalf of Management and staff, I would like to thank and acknowledge Robert Martin for his fi ne contribution to our service as our Auditor for the past 41 years. Wishing him a happy and healthy retirement.
A Big Thank You to the management of the Miami Marketta for donating this lovely venue for our AGM. We really appreciate your kind gesture.
Finally, thank you all for another successful year and for a job well done.
To members of the Gold Coast Youth Service, Management and staff I COMMEND THIS REPORT.